Advocating for Democratic values
in Newport Beach
and neighboring communities
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A Call to Action
Protect Women’s Healthcare Choices
UPDATE: FEBRUARY 2021: Tom Johnson of StuNews Newport recently wrote a comprehensive summary of the latest actions in the Hoag/Providence matter. We encourage to you take a moment to read it here.
UPDATE: DECEMBER 2020: The State Attorney General’s office has declared to the court that the Founding Boards do have standing, and the case should be heard on its merits. Hoag and NBWDC are very thankful for the support of the community as expressed through their emails to that office. Now that California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra has been picked to join President-Elect Biden’s cabinet as head of the Department of Health & Human Services, now is NOT the time to sit back. Be sure to read this November Los Angeles Times article for more information which is available here.
The Attorney General’s office CAN do more. For example, it can ask that the lawsuit be expedited for a number of reasons:
- There are many things within Hoag’s health care delivery that are at stake;
- Providence has violated its 2016 agreement with the Attorney General’s office around women’s services;
- Dominance within Orange County by an out of state regional system with religious restrictions is not in the best interests of Orange County patients.
The Attorney General’s office can also argue for Hoag’s independence. As of now, a hearing on Providence’s motion to dismiss the case is scheduled for February 1, 2021.
We’ve created a simple letter that you can download and attach to any email you send to your family and friends. We are also including a link to the letter that goes directly to California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra.
Please email your friends and family and share both.
BACKGROUND: NBWDC’s Founding President Dr. Suzanne Savary and founding member Beryl Smith were both been active during the protests against Hoag Hospital after they banned abortion services several years ago. They are active again in seeing protections to health care services which are limited due to Hoag’s affiliation with the Providence/St. Joseph Catholic hospital group.
Hoag doctors have complained about difficulty in getting authorizations when prescribing IUD’s and other contraceptive and obstetric services, and efforts to steer their decisions about care that are not always aligned with Hoag’s best practices, including those involving end-of-life care.
Dr. Sue and Beryl have asked that we each reach out to our family and friends and ask that they sign a letter to California Attorney General supporting Hoag’s request to severe their relationship with Providence/St. Joseph hospital group.
We’ve created a simple letter that you can download and attach to any email you send to your family and friends. We are also including a link to the letter that goes directly to California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra.
Please email your friends and family and share both.
Help us support this the fight for women’s healthcare rights
We rely on support from Democrats in all our local communities for important issues such as this and other projects that help promote Democratic and progressive values.
All donations, large and small, are put to good use. Whether you donate a roll of stamps, make a recurring monthly or annual pledge, or a one-time payment by credit card or personal check, we appreciate each and every one. Please use the links below for these types of donations. Thank you!
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide a forum for civil political discussions and promote and participate in activities that help educate members about local, regional, and national issues.
Our Club
The Newport Beach Women’s Democratic Club was formed by a small group of like-minded Democratic women who were brought together by their desire for civil discussion around political issues. Within a short time, our club grew and became a notable presence in the Orange County Democratic community.
We promote democratic values through activism. Our work includes get-out-the-vote efforts, presence at community events, and sponsoring forums for Democratic candidates as well as candidates for non-partisan offices. We also speak publicly and take part in demonstrations.
Club membership is open to women who are registered Democrats. We also welcome registered Democratic men as non-voting associates. While most members live in Newport Beach, we also value those from surrounding Orange County communities.
At our meetings and events, we welcome those who wish to be benefactors of our Club regardless of party affiliation.
For more information about our Club and Membership, please fill out the Contact Us Form above.
Our Privacy Policy is available at http://www.nbwdc.org/privacy-policy/
Newport Beach Women’s Democratic Club
Post Office Box 11761
Newport Beach, CA 92658
Voicemail/Text: (949) 423-6468
Paid for by the Newport Beach Women’s Democratic Club, FEC ID# C00570168